"X-Factor" is a dynamic comic series within the Marvel Universe, initially created by writer Bob Layton and artist Jackson Guice. Originally introduced as a team of mutant investigators under the X-Men umbrella, "X-Factor" has undergone several iterations over the years. One of the most notable runs was written by Peter David, which followed a government-sponsored mutant team consisting of characters like Multiple Man, Polaris, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane, and others.
In David's run, X-Factor operates as a detective agency, tackling cases involving mutants while navigating their own personal struggles and relationships. With a blend of action, humor, and character-driven storytelling, "X-Factor" explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the complexities of mutant life in a world that fears and misunderstands them. Throughout its various incarnations, "X-Factor" has remained a beloved and influential series within the X-Men franchise.