Secret Six
Secret Six
"Secret Six" is a DC Comics series centered around a team of antiheroes and villains who band together for various missions and adventures. Created by writer Gail Simone, the team's roster has included characters such as Deadshot, Catman, Scandal Savage, Rag Doll, and others.
Operating outside the traditional boundaries of heroism, the Secret Six takes on morally ambiguous assignments that often involve espionage, infiltration, and combat. Despite their questionable morals and conflicting agendas, the team members develop complex relationships and dynamics as they navigate the dangerous world of covert operations.
Throughout the series, "Secret Six" explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and the blurred lines between heroism and villainy. With its dark humor, gritty storytelling, and diverse cast of characters, the series offers a fresh and unconventional take on the superhero genre, showcasing the complexities of morality and human nature within the DC Universe.