Rat Queens
Rat Queens
"Rat Queens" is a popular comic book series created by writer Kurtis J. Wiebe and artist Roc Upchurch, later succeeded by various other artists including Stjepan Šejić and Owen Gieni. Published by Image Comics, "Rat Queens" blends elements of fantasy, comedy, and adventure to deliver a unique and irreverent take on the sword and sorcery genre.
The series follows the exploits of a group of foul-mouthed, hard-drinking, and fiercely independent female mercenaries known as the Rat Queens. The core team consists of Hannah, a dark elf mage with a troubled past; Violet, a dwarf warrior with a penchant for violence; Dee, a human cleric from a highly religious family; and Betty, a smidgen (a small humanoid race) thief who loves drugs and mischief.
Set in the fictional town of Palisade, the Rat Queens take on various quests and missions while navigating personal relationships, rivalries, and the occasional bar brawl. The series is known for its sharp wit, diverse characters, and progressive themes, offering a fresh and inclusive perspective on the fantasy genre.
"Rat Queens" has garnered critical acclaim for its dynamic storytelling, vibrant artwork, and strong character development, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy comics with a twist.