Hellhounds Vol.1
Hellhounds Vol.1
"Hell Hounds" is a gripping comic series that delves into the dark and dangerous world of supernatural bounty hunters. Set in a gritty urban landscape where supernatural creatures lurk in the shadows, the series follows a group of skilled hunters known as the Hell Hounds. Led by their enigmatic leader, the team takes on missions to track down and capture or eliminate rogue demons, vampires, and other malevolent entities that threaten humanity. With a mix of supernatural abilities, advanced weaponry, and strategic prowess, the Hell Hounds navigate treacherous alleys and haunted ruins to fulfill their contracts and uphold the delicate balance between the worlds of the living and the dead. With its blend of action, horror, and urban fantasy, "Hell Hounds" offers readers a thrilling ride through a world where danger lurks at every turn and the line between good and evil is blurred