Green Lantern - Young Justice Super Sampler
Green Lantern - Young Justice Super Sampler
"Green Lantern: Young Justice" is a comic series that brings together two beloved superhero teams from the DC Universe: the Green Lantern Corps and the Young Justice team.
In this crossover event, the young heroes of Young Justice, including Robin, Superboy, and Wonder Girl, team up with the Green Lantern Corps, led by Hal Jordan and John Stewart, to face a formidable threat that endangers the universe.
Combining the youthful energy and camaraderie of the Young Justice team with the intergalactic adventures and power of the Green Lantern Corps, this series offers a thrilling and action-packed crossover that explores the strengths and dynamics of both teams as they unite to save the day. With stunning artwork and epic storytelling, "Green Lantern: Young Justice" is a must-read for fans of both franchises.