"CyberRad" is a thrilling comic series set in a dystopian future where technology and cybernetic enhancements have become an integral part of society. The story follows Rad, a young and rebellious hacker with a knack for breaking into the most secure systems. When Rad uncovers a dark conspiracy orchestrated by a powerful corporation, he finds himself thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, pursued by ruthless enforcers and cybernetically enhanced adversaries. With the help of a diverse group of allies, including fellow hackers, underground rebels, and sentient AIs, Rad embarks on a mission to expose the truth and take down the corrupt forces that threaten to control the future of humanity. Filled with pulse-pounding action, futuristic technology, and thought-provoking themes, "CyberRad" offers readers a thrilling and immersive journey through a world where the line between man and machine is blurred, and the fight for freedom has never been more intense.