"Cable" is a Marvel Comics series featuring the character Nathan Summers, also known as Cable. Created by writer Louise Simonson and artist Rob Liefeld, Cable is a powerful mutant with telekinetic and telepathic abilities, as well as a formidable warrior skilled in combat and tactics.
In his solo series, Cable embarks on missions across time and space, often wielding advanced technology and futuristic weaponry. As the son of Cyclops and a clone of Jean Grey, Cable's complex backstory adds layers to his character as he navigates a world threatened by various forces, including mutants, aliens, and supernatural entities.
With its blend of sci-fi, action, and character-driven storytelling, "Cable" explores themes of destiny, sacrifice, and the struggle for survival in a world where the line between hero and villain is often blurred. Throughout the series, Cable emerges as a rugged and enigmatic hero, dedicated to protecting the future at any cost.